Dispute Resolution

Four Brick Court provides Dispute Resolution (DR) services, which offer distinct advantages to conventional litigation: namely, DR is typically faster, more cost-effective, and is an alternative to the stress, delay and uncertainty of litigation and court proceedings. Importantly, DR can allow both parties to take control of their issues and achieve a resolution within timescales conducive to their respective situations and the needs of their family.

Alternative forms of dispute resolution include mediation, family arbitration and private FDRs.
Our members offer Family Arbitration and Financial Dispute Resolution

Specialists in Dispute Resolution

Family Arbitration

Family arbitration is a
confidential and privately
funded form of dispute
resolution. The parties agree
to bring their issues before a
suitably qualified person (an

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Financial Dispute Resolution

The Financial Dispute
Resolution Appointment
(‘FDR’) is a pivotal court
hearing where a judge offers
the parties an early neutral
evaluation of the likely
outcome if the case proceeds
to a contested final hearing.

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