Dispute Resolution

Financial Dispute Resolution

The Financial Dispute Resolution Appointment (‘FDR’) is a pivotal court hearing where a judge offers the parties an early neutral evaluation of the likely outcome if the case proceeds to a contested final hearing. In a private financial dispute resolution, a barrister thoroughly reviews and considers the papers, listens to the parties’ representatives, and objectively evaluates the likely outcome. This impartiality ensures that both parties receive a fair and unbiased assessment of their case, reassuring them that your case will be handled justly.

Private financial dispute resolutions offer significant advantages. They allow parties to hear, from an independent expert, the probable outcome of their case at a final hearing. This often leads to the settlement of the entire case, as both parties clearly understand what they may stand to gain or lose. The savings in terms of time and legal costs can be substantial – for although the rate of successful settlement at a court FDR is good, it is even better at a private FDR. Moreover, private financial dispute resolutions guarantee privacy, a dedicated FDR judge for the entire day who will have had ample time to read the case papers and who will be able to give the parties the time which they may need to resolve the dispute, and assistance with drafting if required. The hearing can occur at your chosen location or in comfortable conference room facilities with refreshments. These benefits make the process significantly less stressful than a formal court appearance, empowering parties with a more relaxed and informed dispute resolution option and making them feel more in control of the process.

Specialists in Financial Dispute Resolution