
The Pro Bono Recognition List 2024

17th Jun 2024

We’re proud to announce that three of our barristers, Sophie Crampton, Harry Simons and Nathan Baylis, are featured now on the inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List published this morning. This list recognises solicitors and barristers across England and Wales who have given over 25 hours of their time to pro bono work over the past year. Our barristers have each made a significant impact on the community through their pro bono work, and we are delighted to see their efforts acknowledged.

Established under the auspices of the Attorney General’s Pro Bono Committee, and with the endorsement of the Lady Chief Justice, the Recognition List is a collaborative effort supported by the Law Society, Bar Council, and all major pro bono legal organisations. It celebrates the invaluable contribution of individual lawyers at firms and organisations of all sizes, united in their mission to provide pro bono legal help to those in need.

You can view our barristers, who each completed over 25 hours of pro bono work in the previous calendar year, on the website here:

#FourBrickCourt #ProBono #ProBonoRecognitionList